Never mind, I''ve got it :)
Just made antoher partial for the address and the same way as the main
form with
<% if @user %>
<% fields_for :address, @user.address do |a|%>
<%= render :partial=>''address'',:locals=>{:a =>
a} %>
<%else %>
<% fields_for :address do |a|%>
<%= render :partial=>''address'',:locals=>{:a =>
a} %>
Sorry for such quick question
On 30 Gru, 13:53, Adam
wrote:> HI!
> I have a form which I want to reuse for adding and updating a user.
> The thing is I have 3 models in it
> user, address, phone
> in the manage view I have
> <% if params[:id].blank? -%>
> <%form_for :user, :url=>{:action=>:register} do |form|
> <%= render :partial=>''form'',
:locals => { :form => form }%>
> <fieldset class="alt" id="submit">
> <%= submit_tag "rejestruj"%>
> </fieldset>
> <%end%>
> <%else -%>
> <%form_for :user,@user,
:url=>{:action=>:update,:id=>} do |
> form| %>
> <%= render :partial=>''form'',
:locals => { :form => form }%>
> <% end %>
> <%end%>
> so I''m adding the @user object. Is there a way to check inside the
> partial form if the user != nil
> and then do
> <% fields_for :address, @user.address do |a|%>
> or
> <% fields_for :address do |a|%>
> I''ve tried it with if, ? : and so on but without any luck.
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