Hi there guys, I am struggling with a script for a number of reasons. Firstly it is really ugly... i mean REALLY ugly. Strangely it does not display properly in Internet Explorer, and i don''t know why, the JavaScript does not seem to take affect in IE. Anything you guys could do to help me make this better would be great (i mean lets face it any improvement would be better than no improvement)! [code] <%- @title = "Write entry" -%> <div id="entries_write" class="content edit"> <h2><img src="/blog/images/writersicon.png" alt="An image of a clipboard"> <% if @entry.nil?%>Write a new article! <% else %> <%= @entry.title %><% end %></h2> <%= form_tag({:action => "save"} ,{:id =>"live-entry-form"}, {:method => "post", :multipart => true}) %> <h8><a href="#" id="reveal" onclick="Element.show(''entry_basic'');Element.show(''hide''); Element.hide(''reveal'');new Effect.Highlight(''entry_basic'');return false;">Show basic information about the entry</a></h8> <fieldset id="entry_basic"> <legend>Basic information <h8> <a href="#" id="hide" onclick="new Effect.Fade(''entry_basic'');Element.show(''reveal'');return false;">- Hide</a></h8></legend> <%= hidden_field "entry", "id" %> <ol> <li class="left"> <label for="entry_title"><span class="accesskey">T</span>itle:</label> <%= text_field "entry", "title", {:accesskey => "t", :onblur => "makeSlug();"} %> </li> <li class="right"> <%= hidden_field ''entry'', ''slug''%> </li> <li id="whatThis1" class="right"> <p>''Tags'' help people to find your article. They are words used to describe the article and separated by a space. There is no need to add tags, but it would help promote your article E.g. music kaiser cheifs etc. </p><h8> <a href="#" onclick="new Effect.Fade(''whatThis1'');Element.show(''whatThisLink'');return false;">Hide</a></h8> </li> <li class="left"> <label for="entry_tags">T<span class="accesskey">a</span>gs: <h8><a href="#" id="whatThisLink" onclick="Element.show(''whatThis1'');Effect.Fade(''whatThisLink'');new Effect.Highlight(''whatThis1'');return false;">What''s This?</a></h8></label> <%= text_field "entry", "tags", {:value => tags(@entry), :accesskey => "a", :autocomplete => "off", :onkeydown => "keyPress(event);", :onkeyup => "suggestTags(event);"} %> </li> <li class="right"> <%= hidden_field ''entry'', ''state'', :value=> "D" %> </li> <li class="left" id="entry_suggest"> <label>Suggestions:</label> <ul id="entry_suggest_suggestions"></ul> </li> <li id="hidden" class="right"> <label for="entry_date_published">Date:</label> <%- if @entry -%> <%= datetime_select "entry", "date_published" %> <%- else -%> <%- t = Time.now + (Option["general_timedifference"].to_f * 60 * 60) -%> <%= select_year(t, {:prefix => "entry", :field_name => "date_published(1i)"}) + select_month(t, {:prefix => "entry", :field_name => "date_published(2i)"}) + select_day(t, {:prefix => "entry", :field_name => "date_published(3i)"}) + " — " + select_hour(t, {:prefix => "entry", :field_name => "date_published(4i)"}) + ":" + select_minute(t, {:prefix => "entry", :field_name => "date_published(5i)"}) %> <%- end -%> </li> <% if session["user"].permission == "admin" %> <li class="left"> <label for="entry_user_id">A<span class="accesskey">u</span>thor:</label> <%= select "entry", "user_id", @authors, {}, {:accesskey => "u"} %> <% else %> <%= hidden_field ''entry'', ''user_id'', :value=> session["user"].id %> <% end %> </li> </li> <li class="right"> <div id="create"> <%= submit_tag "Create Article", :id => "entry_submit_saveandcontinue", :onclick => "submitButton(this);new Effect.Fade(''entry_basic'');Element.show(''loading'');" %> </div> </li> </ol> </fieldset> <div id="loading"><p>Loading...</p></div> <div id="step2"> <div id="entry_typebased" class="tabs"> <ul id="entry_types" class="tablist"> <%- for type in @types -%> <li id="entry_type_<%= type.id %>"> <a href="#type" onclick="loadType(<%= type.id %>);"><%type.name.capitalize %></a></li> <%- end -%> </ul> <%= hidden_field "entry", "type_id" %> <%= hidden_field "entry", "description" %> <%= hidden_field "entry", "contents" %> <%= observe_form "live-entry-form", :frequency => 1, :update => "live-preview", :complete =>"Element.show(''live-preview'')", :url => {:controller => "entries", :action=>"show"} %> <div id="message" style="color:#990000;"></div> <%- for type in @types -%> <%= render :partial => "type_" + type.name %> <%- end -%> <script type="text/javascript"> if($("entry_type_id").value != "") { loadType($("entry_type_id").value); } else { loadType(1); } </script> </div> <div id="entry_pluginbased" class="tabs"> <ul id="entry_plugins" class="tablist"> <%- for plugin in @plugins -%> <li id="entry_plugin_<%= plugin[''key''] %>"> <a href="#plugin" onclick="loadPlugin(''<%= plugin[''key''] %>'');"><%plugin["name"] %></a></li> <%- end -%> </ul> <%- for plugin in @plugins -%> <%= render :partial => "plugin_" + plugin["key"] %> <%- end -%> <script type="text/javascript"> loadPlugin("<%= @plugins[0][''key''] %>"); document.getElementById("whatThis1").hide(); document.getElementById("loading").hide(); </script> <% if @entry.nil?%> <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById("step2").hide(); document.getElementById("reveal").hide(); </script> <% else %> <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById("hide").hide(); document.getElementById("entry_basic").hide(); document.getElementById("create").hide(); </script> <% end %> </div> <div id="entry_submit" class="submit"> <%= hidden_field_tag "submit", "" %> <% #if session["user"].permission == "writer" %> <%= submit_tag "Send To Editor", :id => "entry_submit_send", :onclick => "submitButton(this);" if (@entry and @entry.state != "E") or (!@entry) %> <% #end %> <% if session["user"].permission == "admin" %> <%= submit_tag "Publish Live", :id => "entry_submit_publish", :onclick => "submitButton(this);" if (@entry and @entry.state != "P") or (!@entry) %> <% end %> <%= submit_tag "Save and Preview", :id => "entry_submit_save", :class => "default", :onclick => "submitButton(this);" %> <%= submit_tag "Save and continue editing", :id => "entry_submit_saveandcontinue", :onclick => "submitButton(this);" %> <%= tag :input, {:type => "button", :name => "commit", :value => "Cancel", :id => "entry_submit_cancel", :onclick => "window.history.back();"} %> </div> <%= end_form_tag %> <% if @entry.nil?%> <% else %> <%= javascript_include_tag ''jquery.rte.js'' %> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(''.rte-zone'').rte(''rte.css''); </script> <% end %> <div style="clear: both;" /> </div> </div> [/code] Thanks in advance, James -- Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. 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