On 12/14/07, Chris Olsen
> I have a page where members are searched for and added to the group
> specified by the url
> ## http://localhost:3000/groups/1/add_members
> <%- form_tag :controller => :groups, :action => :add_members do
> Find Member by Name: <%= text_field_tag "search_text" %>
> <%= submit_tag "Find" %>
> <%- end -%>
> <table>
> <%- for member in @members -%>
> <tr>
> <td><%= link_to "Add to Group",
> %></td>
> <td><%= member.full_name %></td>
> </tr>
> <%- end -%>
> </table>
> The thing that I am having a hard time with is setting up the routes
> file since both get and post requests are made for the same page.
> To access the page the user clicks on a link
> (http://localhost:3000/groups/1/add_members) that takes them to a page
> (shown above). The user then searches for a member to add to the group,
> which is where the POST occurs.
> The controller code (shown below) should then return the members, but it
> seems that since the url was accessed through a post, the routing has a
> hard time handling it.
> def add_members
> @group = Group.find(params[:id])
> unless params[:search_text].blank?
> @members = Member.find_all_by_name(params[:search_text])
> else
> @members = []
> end
> end
> When the search is attempted I then get the following message returned:
> Unknown action
> No action responded to 1
> which makes sense since the routes.rb file only expects GET requests for
> the url:
> map.resources :groups, :has_many => :members, :member =>
> => :get}
> and the routes file doesn''t like an additional :add_members =>
:post (it
> was worth a try)
You seem to be trying to partially use restful design. I think that
the "rails way" would be to use a routing like this:
map.resources :groups do | group |
group.resources :members
And then have a restful controller design for the members controller.
Instead of a special add_members action you would use the normal rest actions
class MembersController < ApplicationController
before_filter :load_group
def load_group
@group = Group.find(params[:group_id])
# GET /groups/1/members/new
# GET /groups/1/members/new.xml
def new
# get a list of members to present to the user to add to the group.
# the actual set of members which can be added is determined by
# business logic in the group model.
# The form rendered by the new action should set params[:id] to the
# id of the member selected. It also needs to set params[:group_id] to
# the id of the group. The best way to do this is via a hidden
field on the form
@members = @group.potential_new_members
respond_to do |format|
format.html # new.html.erb
format.xml { render :xml => @member }
# POST /groups/1/members
# POST /groups/1/members.xml
def create
respond_to do |format|
# The group model should have a method to add a member, possibly with
# some validition. It should return false/nil if the add operation fails
if @group.add_member(Member.find(params[:id]))
flash[:notice] = ''Member was successfully created.''
format.html { redirect_to(group_member_path(@group, @member)) }
format.xml { render :xml => @member, :status => :created,
:location => @member }
format.html { render :action => "new" }
format.xml { render :xml => @member.errors, :status =>
:unprocessable_entity }
The url to prompt for a new member to be added to group 1 would be
If you really wanted to allow /groups/1/addmembers you could add an
additional route.
Rick DeNatale
My blog on Ruby
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