Joe 3000 wrote:> I have just started looking at Ruby on Rails and am following a book
> ''Beginning Ruby on Rails''.
> The first exercise is to display a webpage but when entering the url in
> Firefox it doesnt display.
> I get this error message:
> Page title:
> Action Controller: Exception caught
> Page body:
> Routing Error
> no route found to match "/app/greeting" with {:method=>:get}
> -
> All I did was add these lines:
> def greeting
> end
> to application.rb so it now looks like:
> # Filters added to this controller apply to all controllers in the
> application.
> # Likewise, all the methods added will be available for all controllers.
> class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
> # Pick a unique cookie name to distinguish our session data from
> others''
> session :session_key => ''_hello_session_id''
> def greeting
> end
> end
> Any ideas?
> Thanks.
I''ve never seen that book, but as far as I know the
file is not meant to be used that way. What you need to do is generate a
new controller and put "def greeting" in there. For example in the
console/command line type:
/script/generate controller test
That should create a file called "test_controller.rb". Open that file
and put "def greeting" in there. The URL will then be
Of course, you also need to create a view for greeting called
"greeting.rhtml" that conatins some HTML, or you need to render text
directly in the controller.
Anyway, I don''t want to get into a major rails tutorial. I mainly
to point out the usual way to start up a rails application. Sounds like
that book may be a bit too complicated for the basics or you''re not
following it correctly. I recommend you look at the following very, very
simple and well written A-Z tutorial:
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