Hi guys,
anybody encountered such a problem that <% form_remote_tag ... %>
doesn''t send the data present in the form on submit?
Let me explain:
I have Products and the products have Properties.
# routes.rb
map.resources :products do |product|
product.resources :properties
I have a product edit form, which lists all the properties currently
assigned to the product row by row, simple.
# _properties.rb
<% @product.properties.each do |property| %>
<% form_remote_tag( :url => property_path( @product,
property ), :method => :put ) do %>
<input id="property_name"
name="property[name]" value="<%property.name %>" />
<input id="property_value"
name="property[value]" value="<
%= property.value %>" />
<%= submit_tag "Save" %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
The property controller takes care of updating:
# properties_controller.rb
def update
return false unless request.xhr?
@property = ProductProperty.find( params[:id] )
# debug
logger.info "PARAMS: #{params.inspect}"
@property.update_attributes( params[:property] )
@product = Product.find( params[:product_id] )
All fine and dandy, there are 3 properties listed, I changed the
values in the form and click save next to it. Log says:
# development.log
ProductProperty Columns (0.007000) SHOW FIELDS FROM
ProductProperty Load (0.002000) SELECT * FROM product_properties
WHERE (product_properties.`id` = 18)
PARAMS: {"action"=>"update",
"product_id"=>"1", "id"=>"18",
NoMethodError (You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it!)
Of course nil, because params[:property] is nil and i''m trying to
udpate_properties( ) on it. Log says, no additional parameters passed
along with the request, but which were present in the form_remote_tag
Some additional info: same situation, plain <% form_tag ... %> works
like a charm. Seems like a bug in <% form_remote_tag ... %>.
Am I missing something? Tried everything at my disposal, still no
luck. I''m on edge rails, latest revision.
Thanks and my best regards,
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