> I''ve been trying to do something with SOAP for hours with no luck.
> web service .NET cannot see the values and return me nothing.
SOAP::WSDLDriverFactory.new("http://www.mobilemate.cl/Register/Service.asmx?WSDL")> soap = factory.create_rpc_driver
> @soapResponse = soap.Company(:typequery =>@query, :inputrut
> :inputlogin =>nada, :inputpassword =>nada,
> :inputname =>nada, :inputmail =>nada, :outputcolumns
> you can see the web service here:
> http://www.mobilemate.cl/Register/Service.asmx?op=Company
> SOAP::Encodingstyle???...maybe is this the problem??... help me please!
> Regards!
Problem: the web service .Net cannot see the arguments values, it read
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