On 18 Dec 2006, at 17:16, Ry Dahl wrote:> HTTP upload progress bars are rather obfuscated- they typically
> involve a process running on the server keeping track of the size of
> the tempfile that the HTTP server is writing to, then on the client
> side an AJAX call is made every couple seconds to the server during
> the upload to ask for the progress of the upload.
> This is pretty ridiculous. Making million of AJAX requests (which
> probably slow down your upload) just to poll the server on this
> trivial fact? Your browser knows how much data you''ve sent - the
> solution would be to have this information stored in the DOM. As far
> as I can tell, this is not happening.
> Xupload (http://www.sibsoft.net/xupload.html) is a beautiful hack to
> do this without AJAX. When you start your download it streams an HTML
> back back to you slowly. The first part of the HTML is normal, with
> elements defining the progress bar, javascript, etc., this comes all
> at once. Then comes information about your upload in progress
> incrementally as javascript calls:
> <script>SP(4,0,0,0,0);</script>
> <script>SP(8,0,0,0,0);</script>
> <script>SP(8,1,8,0,2);</script>
> <script>SP(12,1,12,0,1);</script>
> These javascript calls update the progress bar defined above.
> (SP($size,$time,$speed,$files_uploaded,$time_left)) Basically:
> loading a single page and as it loads the progress bar moves.
> Can we do this in Rails? I''ve been experimenting with both Sean
> Treadway''s UploadProgress and mongrel_upload_progress but have had
> luck yet.
I''m using SWFUpload (http://labb.dev.mammon.se/swfupload/) in one of
the apps I''m developing. It uses a small Flash object to send the
file and provide progress. It''s working fine once you change the
hardcoded path in mmSWFUpload.js to
However, there are some issues:
1) It doesn''t honor the Rails session_id cookie for the moment and
thus generates a new session. If you''re trying to use it in a private
section (using acts_as_authenticated, acl2, …) of your site, you''ll
have to exclude the upload method from your before_filter. This is a
minor security issue.
2) You can use GET parameters, but can''t add additional POST
parameters to the upload script such as an article_id, company_id, …
to the request. This is a trivial nuisance, but it means you won''t be
able to test for request.post in your controller.
3) This is the biggest problem actually (at least for me): the
content_type of the Tempfile is always set to application/octet-
stream (generic binary file). I''m using acts_as_attachment and it
uses the MIME type to determine whether the file is an image or just
a non-image file. This has some serious implications if you''re using
SWFUpload and acts_as_attachment to handle images (resize them,
generate thumbnails). These operations will just (silently) fail. I
could hack into acts_as_attachment and determine the filetype by
using the file extension, but I would like to avoid this.
I''ve just sent these remarks to the author of SWFUpload a few hours
ago, I seriously hope these minor flaws can be fixed, because this is
the most reliable and easiest "AJAX upload" method I''ve tried
others require server-side configs that aren''t available on shared
Best regards
Peter De Berdt
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