Giant Cranes wrote:> Hi,
> I would like to jump to an anchor on a page once an AJAX action has been
> performed (a new page of data has been returned and I would like to
> present the top of this list to the user).
> Is there a way to specify an anchor in link_to_remote? If not, is there
> something that I can do in the RJS template?
> Thanks,
> GiantCranes
I''ve found that typically you can add :html=>{} block to edit most
related elements. in this case you can add :html =>{:href =>
"#anchor_name"} to your link_to_remote.
example :
link_to_remote "link text", :update => "element",
:html => {:href => "#bottom_anchor"},
:url => { :controller => "your_controller",
:action => "your_action"},
:loading =>
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