When I update a div via AJAX, Rails eats the Javascript I''m trying to
send. My code is below... the draggable code (or anything I enclose in
<script> tags) does NOT render in the browser. This same code DOES work
when written via the original GET.
Code follows:
<% if not @timeline_clips.nil? %>
<% @timeline_clips.each do |movie| %>
<%= image_tag @thumbs_location + "/#{movie.hashed_value}.jpg",
:id => "movie_#{movie.id}",
:alt => "#{movie.title}",
:class => ''thumbs'' %>
<%= draggable_element "movie_#{movie.id}", :revert => true,
:ghosting =>
true %>
<% end %>
<% else %>
No clips in timeline.
<% end %>
<form action="timeline" method="post">
<input type=hidden name="refresh_timeline"
<input type=submit value="Refresh">
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