I have to say, I believe you''re thinking about this completely the
wrong way round. Don''t start with the plugins you need to do the job:
approach it from why people would want -- no, *need* -- to be using
your web application.
People will only use a site if it fulfils their own need. Work out
what services you MUST provide, and provide them. Then build from
there, but take each enhancement on its own merits, and always keep
the goal, rather than the technical means, as your driving thought
Nobody on here will be able to say whether one login/authentication
system generator (for example) is better than another for your
project -- only you will be able to decide what''s best for you. And
the only way you can do that is working out what your application
should be doing. Working out how to do it comes later.
On 3 Oct 2006, at 19:29, bbqTree wrote:
> loginGenrator for accounts and custom views
> ferret for search engine
> acts_as_attachment with imagick
> backroundRb for DB cleanup
> anything else one would use for a social networking site? and would
> the
> above plugins be ''good enough'' for a much smaller
instance of myspace?
> looking to have around 1000 or so members.
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