On 10/1/06, Sam Donaldson
> Hi,
> I''d like to understand how Rail''s handles rollbacks. Say
I have the
> following:
> def action(...)
> User.transaction do
> user1 = User.new
> user1.attr1 = 5
> relationship = Relationship.new
> if user1.save
> ...do stuff...
> end
> if relationship.save
> ...do stuff...
> end
> end
> end
> My question is, say user1.save did not go through due to some UNIQUE
> constraint violoation in the db, does Rails continue execution to
> relationship.save? Or does it throw an exception, and if so,
what''s the
> exception that it throws to tell us that it did a ROLLBACK. Since
> doing a user1.save without the ''user1.save!'', instead of
throwing an
> exception, it''ll return False. So if that''s the case,
does it just
> continue execution with relationship.save?
The database adapter would raise ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid. Your
transaction block would rescue the exception, rollback the db transaction,
and reraise the exception.
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