Hello "Dark" (strange first name, but, hey, thats what makes the world
go round* ;)
I do something similiar to what your asking, except I use Agent''s
and their currency. The quirk comes that if an agent only has one
currency, then it shouldn''t even offer a select box, but rather default
to the single currency. Here is how I do it, you can take from it what
you want (or not, your choice ;);
<% agent_change_ajax = remote_function(:update => :currencyList,
:url => { :controller => ''agent'',
:action =>
:list_currency_ajax_search },
:with => "''agentid=''+value")
<label for="booking_agent">The Agent for this Booking is
: </label>
<%= select(''booking'', ''agent'',
{ :selected => 2828 }, { :onchange => agent_change_ajax }) %>
<div id="currencyList">
<label for="booking_currency">Which Currency should this
be made in : </label>
<!-- setup the default currency for the first pass //-->
<%= select(''booking'', ''currency'',
Currency.currency_options, {
:selected => 2 }) %>
def list_currency_ajax_search
myAgent = Agent.find(params[''agentid''])
@currencies = myAgent.currency # obtained by the model Agent
having a relation to currencies
render(:layout=>false,:partial =>
<% if @currencies.size == 1 %>
<input type="hidden" id="booking_currency"
value="<%= @currencies.
first.currency_id %>" />
<label for="booking_currency">Agent only accepts
<%@currencies.first.iso_code %> </label>
<% else %>
<label for="booking_currency">Which Currency should this
Booking be
made in : </label>
<select id="booking_currency"
<option value="" selected="selected">Please
Select One</option>
<% for currency in @currencies do -%>
<option value="<%= currency.id %>"><%=
<% end -%>
<% end %>
Hopefully, you should get an idea of what to do from this. I would
say having an ''onchange'' is better than having a constantly
observer, but, I am not 1000% sure that observe_field does what I think
it does. Eh. ymmv '':)
(* apparently so does ; love, money, sex and rock n roll)
Dark Ambient wrote:> Updating this thread. First is 3 days on the same problem unusual or
> an indication not to give up my day job ?
> Okay, I''m still trying to do a dynamic drop down based on user
> in first select.
> I came across this post -
> http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/61521
> and translating to my setup , so far it''s not working , then again
> errors in log or debug.
> First, I have two tables/model ''pay'' with an id and
name, and wage
> with an id, pay_id, and name.
> When user choose pay, I want to take the id of the pay selection and
> update, or load partial from wage select.
> Using the example above I created the following files:
> #view
> <p><label for="pay">Pay Type</label><br/>
> <select id="pay[id] name="pay[id]">
> <%= options_from_collection_for_select(
> Pay.find_all, "id", "name") %>
> </select></p>
> <span id="wage_list">
> <label for="wage">Wage specifics</label><br/>
> <select id="wage[pay_id]"
> </span>
> <%= observe_field("pay[id]",
> :frequency => 0.0,
> :update => "wage_list",
> :url => {:action => :fill_wages},
> :with => "''wage[pay_id]=''+value") %>
> #controller method
> def fill_wages
> @lookups = Lookup.find_all_by_list_prompt(@params[:wage], :order
> => ''pay_id'')
> render :partial => ''wagespecs''
> end
> I also created _wagespecs though Im not entirely sure what goes in
> there since the example above didn''t show it .
> Anyone give me some help on this ?
> Stuart
> On 9/10/06, Dark Ambient
<sambient-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w@public.gmane.org> wrote:
>> I''m working on setting up a form where one element gets
>> depending on what value was checked in another element. Sadly though
>> I''m not sure exactly what to do with my controller action and
if i''ll
>> need to depend on form_tag_remote. I do want the element updated
>> before submit so probably not needing the form_tag call.
>> So far my view looks like this:
>> <%>> @pays = Pay.find(:all, :order => "id").map
{|p| [p.name, p.id] }
>> select(:pay, :name, @pays) %>
>> <span id="wagespec"><%>> @wages =
Wage.find(:all, :order => "id").map {|p| [p.name, p.id] }
>> select(:wage, :name, @wages, {},{:disabled => true}) %>
>> </span>
>> <%= observe_field("pay[id]",
>> :frequency => 0.25,
>> :update => "wagespec",
>> :url => {:action => :get_wages},
>> :with => "''pay_id=''+value")
>> %>
>> So I need to create an action called get_wages that will enable and
>> update @wages. Are there special calls to accomplish this ?
>> TIA
>> Stuart
> >
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