I know that Rails doesn''t handle database ENUMs. I''d say that
9/10, you
can get away with just using varchar instead. However, there ARE
instances where you need certain functionality that ENUMs provide (ie:
integrity at the datalevel).
I have a working function that will show what enum types are available
for a certain column in a table (I believe this will only work for
MySQL). I would like to take it a step further and abstract this at the
ActiveRecord::Base level. I have the following function, which works if
placed in the individual class level (if there is a more efficient way
to do it let me know):
====================def get_enum_values(column_name)
self.connection.columns(MyClass.table_name).each { |column|
return column.sql_type.gsub("enum(''",
"").split("'',''") if column.name ==
column_name and
column.sql_type[0...4] == "enum"
return []
The problem is that I have to explicitly call
''MyClass.table_name''. I
know I can use ''self.class'' to get the the name of the class
that I
need. However, how do I programmatically tell ruby to EXECUTE ''{The
class who''s name is self.class}.table_name''?
Also, where can I place this new function in my rails app so that now
all ActiveRecord child classes will inherit it?
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