On 11/28/05, mikkel <mikkel-zZeBJi6nFjBknbxzx/v8hQ@public.gmane.org>
wrote:> Hi,
> Doing yet another blog engine...
> In my db I have defined a boolean ''published'' field...
> not I want to select all published Posts...
> Post.find(:all,:conditions=>"published
=''t''") for sqlite
> Post.find(:all,:conditions=>"published !=0") for mysql...
> there has to be a better way??
> Mikkel
Post.find :all, :conditions => [''published = ?'', true]
Just as a light suggestion, try using a published_at date to achieve
this, if you have one in your model already:
Post.find :all, :condtions => ''published_at IS NULL''