Hello, I have the following in my user.rb model: ----------------------- validates_numericality_of :zipcode, :message => "<font color=''red''> => ZipCode must be a number</font>" validates_length_of :zipcode, :minimum => 5, :message => "<font color=''red''> => Please enter a zip code at least 5 numbers in length</font>" validates_uniqueness_of :email, :message => "<font color=''red''> => Email address already taken, please choose another</font>" validates_uniqueness_of :username, :message => "<font color=''red''> => Username already taken, please choose another</font>" validates_length_of :password, :minimum => 5, :message => "<font color=''red''> => Password Can Not Be Blank</font>" validates_confirmation_of :password, :message =>"Passwords do not match " ----------------------------- However, the password length and confirmation just dont work. Are there any specific requirements that would prevent this from working ? thanks adam