hey, i get this error (local it works right), online it is fucked <p><label for="time_entry_geotag_id">Geotag:</label><br /> <%= select "time_entry", "geotag_id", @geotags.collect {|g| [g.address1 + " (" + g.client.name + ")",g.id]} %></p> @geotags = Geotag.find_all_by_firm_id(firm_id, :order =>"address1 ASC") @geotag_options = [["All","%"]] + @geotags.collect {|g| [g.address1 + ", " + g.city + " (" + g.client.name + ")" ,g.id]} my error You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! The error occured while evaluating nil.name Extracted source (around line #7): 4: <%= select "time_entry", "employee_id", @employees.collect {|e| [e.last_name + " " + e.first_name,e.id]} %></p> 5: 6: <p><label for="time_entry_geotag_id">Geotag:</label><br /> 7: <%= select "time_entry", "geotag_id", @geotags.collect {|g| [g.address1 + "(" + g.client.name + ")",g.id]} %></p> 8: 9: <p> 10: <label for="time_entry_start_time">Start time</label> (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)<br/>