Hi, Doing connection.pk_and_sequence_for doesn''t return anything when I''m positive I''ve got a PK and sequence on my table on column "id", see DDL below. Is this a bug? ?> Player.primary_key => "id" >> Player.connection.default_sequence_name "players" => "players_id_seq" >> Player.connection.pk_and_sequence_for "players" => nil >> Here''s what RoR sends to the postgresql server with this last method call LOG: statement: SELECT attr.attname, (name.nspname || ''.'' || seq.relname) FROM pg_class seq, pg_attribute attr, pg_depend dep, pg_namespace name, pg_constraint cons WHERE seq.oid = dep.objid AND seq.relnamespace = name.oid AND seq.relkind = ''S'' AND attr.attrelid = dep.refobjid AND attr.attnum = dep.refobjsubid AND attr.attrelid = cons.conrelid AND attr.attnum = cons.conkey[1] AND cons.contype = ''p'' AND dep.refobjid = ''players''::regclass DDL: CREATE TABLE "public"."players" ( "id" SERIAL, "positie" INTEGER, "active" BOOLEAN DEFAULT false NOT NULL, "perm_level" SMALLINT DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, "email" VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL, "fname" VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL, "lname" VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL, .. .. CONSTRAINT "players_pkey" PRIMARY KEY("id") ) WITH OIDS; CREATE SEQUENCE "public"."players_id_seq" INCREMENT 1 MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 32767 START 16 CACHE 1; Any ideas?? Jeroen