Hi, I''m using the ActionMailer as seen in http://wiki.rubyonrails.com/rails/pages/HowToSendEmailsWithActionMailer for a simple Newsletter-Skript + I have a multipart form. + I have a simple input type="file" upload field + I can send my newsletters without attachments. How can I store the uploaded file temporarily in a folder uploads, an send it attached with my newsletter? ''Cause the file is not being saved when following the instructions under Attachements... --------subject-controller---------------------- def newsletter [....] @nlattachment = @params[''nlattachment''] mail = Newsletter::create_my_mail(@subject ...) mail.set_content_type(''multipart'', blah blah) #hell, what does blah blah mean? mail.parts << @nlattachment Newsletter::deliver(mail) end -------------newsletter-model------------------- def alumni_newsletter( subject, nlattachment....) @body["nlattachment"] = nlattachment attachment :content_type => "image/gif", :body => File.read("uploads/#{@body[''nlattachment'']}") def ---------------------------------------------------------- Thanks again for your help - Marten