Hey, I defined a rescue_action_in_public method per this page: http://wiki.rubyonrails.com/rails/pages/HowtoConfigureTheErrorPageForYourRailsApp/versions/1 but am having a strange problem. As backgroun,d my rescue method is defined only in the application controller (i.e. it is not overridden anywhere). Code below. I also defined a rescue_action_in_public template that prints a handy error message and outputs the class/message of an exception when one is thrown. Here''s the action: def rescue_action_in_public(exception) logger.error("Application error " + exception.class.to_s + ": " + exception.message) render :layout => false, :action => ''rescue_action_in_public'', :controller => ''application'' end When an exception is thown and it is envoked, I see the rescue... template is rendered, but the exception it prints out is a TemplateError regarding a missing rescue... template (which it just rendered). Here''s what I see in the logs: ----- Application error ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: <statement crap> ActionView::TemplateError (Missing template /var/www/alpha/public/../c onfig/../app/views//messages/rescue_action_in_public.rhtml) on line #12 of /appl ication/index.rhtml ------ In this case, the template error refers to Application#index because a messages action is being rendered as a component from the index (just in case you wondered). But, what''s is strange to me is that the template is clearly found or it could not be rendered, and Application#rescue_action_in_public was clearly called or we sould not see the ''Application error'' line in the log file. Anyone know why this might occur? Thanks an advance for your help, pt. -- Parker Thompson http://www.parkert.com/ 510.541.0125