Hi, I wrote Apache::RailsDispatcher to run Rails applications on mod_ruby. http://blog.shugo.net/articles/2005/08/03/running-rails-on-mod_ruby Apache::RailsDispatcher can run multiple applications in the same process. It works like this: * require loads libraries into the top level, and they are shared with all applications. * require_dependency loads libraries into an anonymous module for each application. * In the development environment, the anonymous module is orphaned on each request. So required_dependency loads libraries every time. * In the production environment, the same anonymous module is used for the same application. So required_dependency loads libraries only at once. * Rails configurations such as ActiveRecord::Base.colorize_logging are reset on each request. This hack is just a workaround until YARV supports multiple VM instances. We can get it in the near future, I hope. Shugo