Trent W. Buck
2013-May-08 08:12 UTC
[Nut-upsuser] My nut-snmp has forgotten how to speak IETF RFC1628!
[I had a look through the mail archives before sending this, but I didn't find anyone else having this issue.] Has anyone seen this before? I'm almost 100% certain I tested this nut correctly detected OB LB in the past, but when I happened to look at it today, I see it refusing to work -- apparently because the NUT client knows how to ask for RFC1628 OIDs, but not what to do with the responses. WTF! # /lib/nut/snmp-ups -a GE-EP3000 -DDDDDDDDD Network UPS Tools - Generic SNMP UPS driver 0.47 (2.4.3) 0.000000 debug level is '9' 0.001846 SNMP UPS driver : entering upsdrv_initups() 0.001860 SNMP UPS driver : entering nut_snmp_init(snmp-ups, ups, v1, public) 0.030096 SNMP UPS driver : entering load_mib2nut(ietf) 0.030123 load_mib2nut: trying ietf mib 0.030132 nut_snmp_get( 0.032006 [GE-EP3000] unhandled ASN 0x5 recieved from 0.032019 Unknown mibs value: ietf If I leave out mibs=ietf, I get the same, only it tries other MIBs first, and the last line changes to 0.051158 No supported device detected Here's my config, which I'm almost certain worked before. AFAIK nobody has fiddled with the UPS settings, either. Is the problem in nut or in the UPS? (Looks like nut to me.) Has anybody seen this before? A na?ve "apt-get --reinstall install nut nut-snmp" didn't help. I'm using version 2.4.3-1ubuntu3.2 on Ubuntu 10.04. /etc/nut# grep ^ * nut.conf:MODE=standalone ups.conf:[GE-EP3000] ups.conf:driver = snmp-ups ups.conf:port = ups ups.conf:mibs = ietf upsd.conf:LISTEN 3493 upsd.users:[local_mon] upsd.users: password = UNPRINTABLE upsd.users: upsmon master upsd.users: upsmon.conf:MONITOR GE-EP3000 at localhost 1 local_mon UNPRINTABLE master upsmon.conf:POWERDOWNFLAG /etc/killpower upsmon.conf:SHUTDOWNCMD "/sbin/shutdown -h now" upssched.conf:CMDSCRIPT /upssched-cmd There's definitely something listening on the other end, because when I go into the UPS's web interface and change the SNMP community from "public" to "*", I get different output.