Hello everybody, I''am tryiing to install an CentOS ISo as an Guest on xen. Xen runs on an gentoo! First i mounted the Centos ISO to an Directory where I copied the vmlinuz and initrd.img Files from to another Dirctory! After the I unmounted the ISO an created an Configuration File. I wants to start the ISO and install. My problem ist that i the ISO boots but when i need to choose (a parition to install it on) there ist all empty ! On the Prcture you could see my Config and the empty SETUP ! I hope somebody please could help me or give me some helpfull Informations! Greetz Patrick <http://xen.1045712.n5.nabble.com/file/n5713215/Bildschirmfoto_2012-12-27_um_10.14.04.png> -- View this message in context: http://xen.1045712.n5.nabble.com/Install-Centos-ISO-on-xen-tp5713215.html Sent from the Xen - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.