Hi, I don''t normally like to spam this list, but I wanted to point you to http://xen.org/community/jobs.html ... if you fit the bill and are looking for a job, or you know anybody get in touch with me (or apply via the site link). Best Regards Lars
Maybe Matching Threads
- Looking for volunteer to help man LinuxCon Japan booth (1-2 hours)
- Update on Xen.org and Xenbits
- Update on Xen.org and Xenbits
- Re: [Input needed, open until Monday Aug 12th] Should we have an invite only, 1/2 day developer meeting before Xen Developer Summit (i.e. in the afternoon of October 23, Edinburgh, UK)
- Reminder: Xen Hackathon hosted by Oracle, March 6-8, Santa Clara, CA, USA