On Mar 11, 2012 6:17 AM, "Andrew Warkentin"
<andreww591@gmail.com> wrote:>
> I am currently working on a free desktop hypervisor based on the XCI
toolstack from XenClient 2 (minus the proprietary components, of course),
Xen 4.0.1, and Debian 6.0. Unlike XenClient and NxTop, OpenXCI will be
intended for individuals wanting a high-performance alternative to
dual-/multi-booting and hosted virtualization, rather than companies
wanting remote provisioning (no support for remote management other than an
SSH server on Dom0 will be implemented).>
> Graphics passthrough (both primary and secondary) for AMD and Intel GPUs
will be supported. Like XenClient, OpenXCI will use lightweight graphics
and input servers as well as a UIVM (rather than a Dom0 X server like
NxTop). Unlike XenClient, OpenXCI will not use filtered/mediated
passthrough because it is extremely hardware-specific (XenClient''s AMD
support is only compatible with a few models of HP laptops and is somewhat
unstable because of its use of filtered passthrough). Instead, it will use
direct passthrough for one domain and display all other domains with a
viewer running on the passthrough domain. When no other passthrough domain
is running, the graphics drivers will run on the UIVM.>
> At the moment, I have graphics and input servers that mostly work. The
graphics server only supports VNC (with a TigerVNC client patched to hide
itself when the passthrough domain is focused and show itself when another
domain is focused) to display non-passthrough domains right now, but I am
going to add a "reverse graphics adapter" device that uses shared
memory to
send the displays of other domains to the passthrough domain. I am
currently using a more or less stock Debian 6.0/Xen 4.0.1 system with my
graphics and input servers (as well as the corresponding qemu patches and a
qemu wrapper script that passes the appropriate options to qemu because the
xend toolstack doesn''t support them) as my hypervisor at the
> I am going to upload everything I have done so far to the OpenXCI
Sourceforge project (http://sf.net/projects/openxci/) shortly. I will also
be post updates of my progress on my blog
> Anybody here who is interested is welcome to contribute.
That''s cool! Thanks for sharing. I''ll take a look tomorrow.
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