Hi all, I'm a new R user. I now have daily netcdf data for year 1979 such as these: sm19790101.1.nc sm19790102.1.nc . . . sm19791231.1.nc I need to average a variable called "sm" to monthly resolution. I can now do this: glob2rx("sm197901*.1.nc") jan<-list.files(pattern=glob2rx("sm197901*.1.nc"),full.names=TRUE) to port all January data to jan, but I don't know how to open each file and get specific variable (I've had Rnetcdf package installed) . If I were to do this manually, it should be: s19790101<-open.nc("sm19790101.1.nc") sm19790101<-var.get.nc(s19790101,"sm",na.mode=0) and then average them... I guess the question is how to read files with a variable (e.g. 01-31) as part of the file name and then loop through the whole month. Ed [[alternative HTML version deleted]]