ivo welch
2013-Jan-30 01:13 UTC
[R] width of terminal resize to current dimensions on linux Gnome terminal
I just looked at the sample initialization script in the R docs. it suggests the first two lines of cols <- Sys.getenv("COLUMNS") if(nzchar(cols)) options(width = as.integer(cols)) print(cols) I run R 2.15.2 on a linux Gnome terminal 3.6.0 now. alas, this snippet always prints "" (I replaced my .Rprofile to contain this snippet only). in constrat, Sys.getenv("COLUMNS") after I see the ">" prompt works fine. on stackoverflow, there was an even nicer solution that suggested dynamic window resizing would be possible: .adjustWidth <- function(...){ try( options(width=Sys.getenv("COLUMNS")), silent = TRUE) cat("[Reset Window Width]\n") TRUE } .adjustWidthCallBack <- addTaskCallback(.adjustWidth) alas, this does not seem to be called by a linux window resize, but by every command now. is there a way to add a TaskCallback only when a user resizes the window? help appreciated... /iaw ---- Ivo Welch (ivo.welch at gmail.com)