Hello R help list, I am using the mda package and in particular the fda routine to classify in terms of gear a set of 20 trips. I preformed a flexible discriminant analysis (FDA) using a set of 151 trips. FDAT1 <- fda(as.factor(gear) ~ . , data =matrizR) A total of 22 predictors were considered. 20 of the predictors are "numeric" and 2 are "factors". The resulting FDA rule was applied to the 20 trips and for the same predictors in order to predict the type of gear used. however a consistent error is occuring: Error in polybasis(newdata, degree, monomial) %*% object$coef : non-conformable arguments it is possible the problem being related with the 2 predictors that are entering as factors? if someone can help, would be very grateful. cheers, Catarina [[alternative HTML version deleted]]