Using the following bit of R, I'm wondering if there is a way to override/manipulate/replace the date in one xts time series with the date of another xts time series while not affecting/changing the times of the xts time series? library(xts) x.Date <- rep("1/1/2004",times=5) x.Times<- c("00:00:00", "00:15:00", "00:30:00", "00:45:00", "01:00:00") x<-paste(x.Date,x.Times) y.Date <- rep("3/1/2004",times=4) y.Times<- c("00:00:00", "00:15:00", "00:45:00", "01:00:00") y<-paste(y.Date,y.Times) fmt <- "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S" x.1<-xts(1:5, as.POSIXct(x, format=fmt)) y.1<-xts(1:4, as.POSIXct(y, format=fmt)) If possible, I'd like query the date of x.1 and use it to override the date in y.1, leaving the times as they are. So the current output looks like this: x.1 # [,1] #2004-01-01 00:00:00 1 #2004-01-01 00:15:00 2 #2004-01-01 00:30:00 3 #2004-01-01 00:45:00 4 #2004-01-01 01:00:00 5 y.1 # [,1] #2004-03-01 00:00:00 1 #2004-03-01 00:15:00 2 #2004-03-01 00:45:00 3 #2004-03-01 01:00:00 4 But I would like change y.1 to look like the following by using the date of x.1 (notice the month was updated to match x.1): y.1 [,1] 2004-01-01 00:00:00 1 2004-01-01 00:15:00 2 2004-01-01 00:45:00 3 2004-01-01 01:00:00 4 Thanks, Eric
HI, You can use: library(lubridate) index(y.1)<-update(index(y.1),month=1) #or index(y.1)<-update(index(y.1),month=unique(month(index(x.1)))) ?y.1 ??????????????????? [,1] #2004-01-01 00:00:00??? 1 #2004-01-01 00:15:00??? 2 #2004-01-01 00:45:00??? 3 #2004-01-01 01:00:00??? 4 A.K. ----- Original Message ----- From: Eric Morway <emorway at> To: r-help at Cc: Sent: Friday, November 2, 2012 7:55 AM Subject: [R] override date in xts time series ? Using? the? following? bit? of? R,? I'm wondering if there is a way to ? override/manipulate/replace the date in one xts time series with the date of ? another xts time series while not affecting/changing the times of the xts ? time series? ? library(xts) ? x.Date <- rep("1/1/2004",times=5) ? x.Times<- c("00:00:00", "00:15:00", "00:30:00", ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "00:45:00", "01:00:00") ? x<-paste(x.Date,x.Times) ? y.Date <- rep("3/1/2004",times=4) ? y.Times<- c("00:00:00", "00:15:00", ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "00:45:00", "01:00:00") ? y<-paste(y.Date,y.Times) ? fmt <- "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S" ? x.1<-xts(1:5, as.POSIXct(x, format=fmt)) ? y.1<-xts(1:4, as.POSIXct(y, format=fmt)) ? If possible, I'd like query the date of x.1 and use it to override the date ? in y.1, leaving the times as they are.? So the current output looks like ? this: ? x.1 ? #? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? [,1] ? #2004-01-01 00:00:00? ? 1 ? #2004-01-01 00:15:00? ? 2 ? #2004-01-01 00:30:00? ? 3 ? #2004-01-01 00:45:00? ? 4 ? #2004-01-01 01:00:00? ? 5 ? y.1 ? #? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? [,1] ? #2004-03-01 00:00:00? ? 1 ? #2004-03-01 00:15:00? ? 2 ? #2004-03-01 00:45:00? ? 3 ? #2004-03-01 01:00:00? ? 4 ? But I would like change y.1 to look like the following by using the date of ? x.1 (notice the month was updated to match x.1): ? y.1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? [,1] ? 2004-01-01 00:00:00? ? 1 ? 2004-01-01 00:15:00? ? 2 ? 2004-01-01 00:45:00? ? 3 ? 2004-01-01 01:00:00? ? 4 ? Thanks, Eric ______________________________________________ R-help at mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
Hi, If you don't want to use library(lubridate): This should also work. ?index(y.1)<-as.POSIXct(gsub("(.*\\-).*(\\-.*)","\\101\\2",index(y.1))) ?y.1 #??????????????????? [,1] #2004-01-01 00:00:00??? 1 #2004-01-01 00:15:00??? 2 #2004-01-01 00:45:00??? 3 #2004-01-01 01:00:00??? 4 A.K. ----- Original Message ----- From: Eric Morway <emorway at> To: r-help at Cc: Sent: Friday, November 2, 2012 7:55 AM Subject: [R] override date in xts time series ? Using? the? following? bit? of? R,? I'm wondering if there is a way to ? override/manipulate/replace the date in one xts time series with the date of ? another xts time series while not affecting/changing the times of the xts ? time series? ? library(xts) ? x.Date <- rep("1/1/2004",times=5) ? x.Times<- c("00:00:00", "00:15:00", "00:30:00", ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "00:45:00", "01:00:00") ? x<-paste(x.Date,x.Times) ? y.Date <- rep("3/1/2004",times=4) ? y.Times<- c("00:00:00", "00:15:00", ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "00:45:00", "01:00:00") ? y<-paste(y.Date,y.Times) ? fmt <- "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S" ? x.1<-xts(1:5, as.POSIXct(x, format=fmt)) ? y.1<-xts(1:4, as.POSIXct(y, format=fmt)) ? If possible, I'd like query the date of x.1 and use it to override the date ? in y.1, leaving the times as they are.? So the current output looks like ? this: ? x.1 ? #? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? [,1] ? #2004-01-01 00:00:00? ? 1 ? #2004-01-01 00:15:00? ? 2 ? #2004-01-01 00:30:00? ? 3 ? #2004-01-01 00:45:00? ? 4 ? #2004-01-01 01:00:00? ? 5 ? y.1 ? #? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? [,1] ? #2004-03-01 00:00:00? ? 1 ? #2004-03-01 00:15:00? ? 2 ? #2004-03-01 00:45:00? ? 3 ? #2004-03-01 01:00:00? ? 4 ? But I would like change y.1 to look like the following by using the date of ? x.1 (notice the month was updated to match x.1): ? y.1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? [,1] ? 2004-01-01 00:00:00? ? 1 ? 2004-01-01 00:15:00? ? 2 ? 2004-01-01 00:45:00? ? 3 ? 2004-01-01 01:00:00? ? 4 ? Thanks, Eric ______________________________________________ R-help at mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.