Kulkarni, Miheer
2012-Oct-24 17:48 UTC
[R] how to get underlying values being plotted in garchfit predict plot
Hello, I have a time series of 500 returns. I am fitting a garch(1,1) model to this series using fit <- garchFit(~garch(1,2), data=y) Then I run: predict(fit,n.ahead=100,plot=TRUE) To get the plot. My question, how can I access the data that is being plotted with the black line. Basically I want the list of predictions for the next 100 times, the function returns the meanForecast(constant), meanError, standardDeviation, and lower and upper intervals based on mean +/- 1.96*MSE but not the values actually being plotted (for the first 100 times, beyond that it shows the mean and conf. interval). Thanks! [[alternative HTML version deleted]]