you seem to confuse R and C syntax a bit, among other things. See below.
On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 3:03 PM, Erin Hodgess <erinm.hodgess at>
wrote:> Dear R People:
> I'm working on a project that will pass a matrix from an R function to
> a C subroutine.
> I tried to write the following:
> #include<R.h>
> #include<Rinternals.h>
> void lu1(int *n, float *a, float *b, float *ab)
> {
> int i,k,j,p,na=*n+10;
> float sum, l[200][200],u[200][200]z[200];
Comma missing?
> for(i=0;i<na;i++) {
> for(j=0;j<na;j++) {
> l[i,j]=0.0;
> u[i,j]=0.0;
In C you must write l[i][j] and u[i][j].
l[i,j] is actually equal to l[j] and that's an array of 200 doubles.
> }
> z[i] =0.0;
> }
> //********** LU decompositio*n *****//
> for(k=1;k<=*n;k++)
> {
> u[k][k]=1;
> for(i=k;i<=*n;i++)
> {
> sum=0;
> for(p=1;p<=k-1;p++)
> sum+=l[i][p]*u[p][k];
> l[i][k]=a[i][k]-sum;
a is a single-index array. You cannot index it using two indices.
Convert the two into one using something like i*dimension + k. Same
> }
> for(j=k+1;j<=*n;j++)
> {
> sum=0;
> for(p=1;p<=k-1;p++)
> sum+=l[k][p]*u[p][j];
> u[k][j]=(a[k][j]-sum)/l[k][k];
> }
> }
> //***** FI*NDI*NG Z; LZ=b*********//
> for(i=1;i<=*n;i++)
> { //forward subtitutio*n method
> sum=0;
> for(p=1<i;p++)
> sum+=l[i][p]*z[p];
> z[i]=(b[i]-sum)/l[i][i];
> }
> //********** FI*NDI*NG X; UX=Z***********//
> for(i=*n;i>0;i--)
> {
> sum=0;
> for(p=*n;p>i;p--)
> sum+=u[i][p]*ab[p];
> ab[i]=(z[i]-sum)/u[i][i];
> }
> }
> And here is the output:
> R CMD SHLIB lu1.c
> gcc -std=gnu99 -I/usr/share/R/include -DNDEBUG -fpic -O3 -pipe
> -g -c lu1.c -o lu1.o
> lu1.c: In function ?lu1?:
> lu1.c:15:8: error: incompatible types when assigning to type
> ?float[200]? from type ?double?
> lu1.c:16:8: error: incompatible types when assigning to type
> ?float[200]? from type ?double?
> lu1.c:33:25: error: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer nor
> lu1.c:41:26: error: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer nor
> make: *** [lu1.o] Error 1
> erin at ubuntu:~$
> I'm thinking that the matrix is hanging things up.
> Does this look familiar, please?