Le mardi 29 mai 2012 ? 10:03 +0200, Ad Feelders a ?crit
:> Dear fellow R users,
> I'm using the package tm for text mining, and have a problem with
> reading in a corpus from XML files.
> When I copy the example from "Introduction to the tm package" of
> small reuters subset "crude", everything goes well, and I get a
> with the required meta data.
> When I read in the entire reuters21578 corpus in XML format however (or
> a self-created subset thereof) the meta data is lost, and the files are
> interpreted as plain text.
> I use the following command, where the indicated directory contains all
> reuters 21578 documents as separate XML files:
> > reuters21578 <-
> readerContol=list(reader=readReut21578XML))
You have a typo in that command, "readerContol" should be
My two cents