Hi there We have 25m XY pairs to be correlated. Data is bank financial data and smooth over Time ; observations for x and y are 32 quarters each. Testing 25m rships exhaustively will take forever ; this task is easily over-engineered. We'll use the best of XY relationships to predict. * We're swamped by choice in R packages. None seem to be readily comparable. Can someone help us with which package(s) is/are most apt ? That is, which can time-efficiently test for correlation given properties of the data ? We'll save lots of time with fine advice. (And yes, to conserve time, we'll employ foreach & doSNOW.) Steve * X and Y are series both 50 quarters in length. Y is offset 8 quarters forward, such that X (periods 9 to 50) is compared to Y (1 to 42). Best fit (x actual vs x fitted using y actual) is determined. Method identified is used with Y (43 to 50) to predict X for the final 8 quarters. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]