On May 28, 2012, at 5:20 AM, Christopher Kelvin wrote:
> Dear all,
> I want to determine the standard error or the mean squared error
> for the parameter estimate for beta and eta base on the real data.
> Any help on how to obtain these estimated errors.
> library(survival)
> d <- data.frame(ob=c(149971, 70808, 133518, 145658, 175701, 50960,
> 126606, 82329), state=1)
> s <- Surv(d$ob,d$state)
> sr <- survreg(s~1,dist="weibull")
> beta<-1/sr$scale
> p1=(beta)
> p1
> eta<-exp(sr$coefficients[1])
> b=(eta)
> b
The usual approach is to rely on the normality of the parameters on
the "Weibull scale" and then back transform coef +/- 1.96*se(coef)
You get these with