Is it important that you end up with a data frame? If not, it would be
very easy to generate a list with the unique values for each column. For
df <- data.frame(v1 = sample(5, 20, T), v2 = sample(7, 20, T),
v3 = sample(9, 20, T), v4 = sample(11, 20, T))
lapply(df, unique)
"Bert Jacobs" <> wrote on
07/20/2012 02:37:37
> Hi,
> I was wondering what the best way is to create a new dataframe based on
an> existing dataframe with only the unique available levels for each column
(22> columns in total) in it.
> If some columns have less unique values than others, then those columns
can> be filled with blanks for the remaining part. Is it possible to make it
a> generic function, which is independent from the column names?
> Thx for helping me out.
> Kind regards,
> Bert
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