Hello all, I am trying to implement a simple Genetic Algorithm using some of the functions of R (such as lm). I am a total newbie with regard to R, but not programming or GAs. I thought I would have to do this in R but now it seems there are ways to call R functions from Java after all. (C++ would work for me too, having a compiled language should speed up the program.) Are there recommended approaches/packages for the Java->R interfaces? Is JRI the way to go? I would like this to work under Windows and Linux ideally, and be relatively painless to install/work :-) I am assuming the Java->R approach might be more efficient vs implementation in the R language (which I am willing to learn if necessary) - but I lack experience with R to judge this. (ie byte-compiled vs purely interpreted) There will probably be more elementary questions (I am reading the various manuals too .. but if anyone has some other favorite sites they want to recommend please do so) Thanks! Esmail PS:Does anyone know how to do an effective search for R in google (or other search engines). The fact that this is a single letters seems to have most applications ignore this input. This might help me in finding answers to some other basic questions I have (such as is there an equivalent function to "printf" in R? "cat" and "print" are not quite working right for me -- but I need to dig deeper into the documentation) PPS: I there a USENET group dedicated to R? _________________________________________________________________ Going green? See the top 12 foods to eat organic. 1N1653A [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
On 20 April 2008 at 09:22, esmail bonakdarian wrote: | I am trying to implement a simple Genetic Algorithm using some of the | functions of R (such as lm). I am a total newbie with regard to R, but | not programming or GAs. Genetic algorithms / evolutionary computing _are_ already available via CRAN, see eg rgenoud and DEoptim. Wrapping existing ones is also fairly easy; I am sometimes use PGAPack from R at work (using non-released code). As for Jave, as I understand it, rjava is _the_ common interface. I prefer C++ and use RCpp (now on r-forge.r-project.org) and there are parallel discussions going on regarding Swig. | PS:Does anyone know how to do an effective search for R in google (or | other search engines). The fact that this is a single letters seems i) Use the dedicated front-ends to searching as eg RSiteSearch("foo") from within R, or ii) combine your search terms with terms like 'r-help' or 'r-devel' | PPS: I there a USENET group dedicated to R? There are several lists/usenet gateways like eg gmane. See the R FAQ/ Dirk -- Three out of two people have difficulties with fractions.