This is a Bioconductor package, so please address questions to the
Bioconductor list (instructions at This is not a
question related to 'development' but to use, so you do not need to
ask on the '-devel' mailing list.
Do you mean the result of 'segment'? It's always helpful to provide
reproducible (e.g., using the example data provided with the package)
I think the easy answer to your question is 'no', there are no
documented arguments influencing how statistics on the segment are
calculated. The longer answer is 'yes', since the source of the
function is readily available (typing
> segment
) and the segment boundaries are returned and hence other statistics
can be calculated by the user.
Hope that helps,
"Vladmir Makarov" <vmakarov at> writes:
> Hello R Developers
> I am using DNACopy package
> I am not able to figure out how to (if at all possible) to modify
> output format, namely, I am getting the following:
> "ID" "chrom" "loc.start" "loc.end"
"num.mark" "seg.mean"
> Is it a way to get also median and standard deviation?
> Thanks in advance,
> Vlad
> --
> ***********************************
> Dr. Vladimir Makarov
> Instructor, Computer Science Department
> School of Computer Science and Information Systems
> Pace University
> 163 Williams Street
> New York, NY 10038
> Phone: (212) 639 - 7422
> eMail: vmakarov at
> ***********************************
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Martin Morgan
Computational Biology / Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
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