Hello there! I got some data with x and y values. there are some y == 0. This is a problem for the selfstarting regression model SSlogis. The regression works if I use a non selfstarting model. The formula is the same. But this needs very detailed information of the starting list. I dont have this Information all the time. An easy solution for selfstart model could be to add 1E-100 to the y==0 values. That works fine, but the Regressioncoefficiants differ to the original ones a bit. Sometimes this is problematic. So I wonder if it is possible to copy the code of SSlogis and rewrite the failing passage. I found this passage, but I dont have any Idea, where and how to create a new "SSlogis2". I guess this part of one SSlogis function causes the errormessage: z <- xy[["y"]] if (min(z) <= 0) { z <- z - 1.05 * min(z) } z <- z/(1.05 * max(z)) xy[["z"]] <- log(z/(1 - z)) aux <- coef(lm(x ~ z, xy)) -- View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/logistic-Regression-with-SSlogis-but-y-0-tp4633269.html Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.