Bjoern Guse
2012-Apr-05 13:06 UTC
[R] constrained optimization with vectors using the package alabama
Hello everyone, I want to estimate a function for the relationship between the distance and the cross-correlation coefficients. This means that I have several pairs of distance and cross-correlation coefficients. Hence, I have a function which includes two vectors with the same length (for distance and the cross-correlation coefficients) and the parameters x[1] and x[2] which I want to optimize. I can easily apply auglag or from the alabama package for scalar values, but I did not find a way to include vectors. Has anyone from you an idea? thank you and best regards Bj?rn -- Bj?rn Guse Dr. rer. nat. Institut f?r Natur- und Ressourcenschutz Abteilung Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft Christian-Albrechts-Universit?t zu Kiel Olshausenstr. 75 D-24118 Kiel (+49) 0431-880-1224