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It seems to me that your two approaches are calculating CIs for different quantities. The bootstrap methods are calculating a CI for the difference in medians, while the Wilcoxon approach is calculating a CI for the median of the differences. If this were the mean, those would be the same, but not for the median: A =c(619, 600, 490, 1076, 654, 955, 563, 955, 827, 873, 1253) B =c(346, 507, 598, 228, 576, 338, 1153, 354, 560, 517, 381) > median(A)-median(B) [1] 320 > median(A-B) [1] 273 -- Patrick Breheny Assistant Professor Department of Biostatistics Department of Statistics University of Kentucky On 02/18/2012 05:05 AM, Vittorio Colagrande wrote:> Dear R-group, > > > > I have run into a problem in estimating confidence intervals for the median difference. > > I want to establish a confidence interval at (1- alpha) level for the difference between the > > medians of two indipendent samples (size n and m), by using the Wilcoxon distribution > > or with bootstrap methods. > > First method, we consider the z matrix of d=n???m differences of the first and second sample > > data and we order these differences in a y vector. By the Wilcoxon distribuition (W) we > > determine the q quantile such that Prob(W<q)= alpha/2, inf and sup of confidence interval are > > respectively the q-th and (d-q+1)-th elements of the y vector, while we obtain the difference > > median by the y distribution. This method is also used to establish the CI by wilcox.test. > > Example. Two indipendent sample A and B (n=11, m=13) of CD4 count cells (T-helper cells): > > A =c(619, 600, 490, 1076, 654, 955, 563, 955, 827, 873, 1253) > > B =c(346, 507, 598, 228, 576, 338, 1153, 354, 560, 517, 381, 415, 626) > > > > 1) CI 95% by matrix z and y vector: > > n=length(A) > > m=length(B) > > d=n*m > > z=matrix(0,m,n) > > for(j in seq_len(n)) > > z[, j]=A[j] - B > > y=sort(as.vector(z)) > > q=qwilcox(0.05/2,n,m,lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) > > inf=y[q] > > sup=y[d-q+1] > > med=median(y) > > results: inf = 100, sup = 516 and med = 300. > > > > 2) CI 95% by wilcox.test: > > I=wilcox.test(A,B,conf.lev=0.95,conf.int=TRUE,exact=F,correct=T) > > inf=I$conf.int[1] > > sup=I$conf.int[2]. > > results: inf = 99.9, sup = 516. > > > > Second method, bootstrap each sample separately, creating the sampling distribution for > > each median. Then calculate the difference between the two medians, and create the > > sampling distribution of those differences. This is the sampling distribution we care about. > > Once we have that distribution we can establish a confidence interval. Some CI 95%, > > with reference to the CD4 example, one given below. > > > > 1) First procedure (package boot): > > library(boot) > > n=length(A) > > m=length(B) > > y=c(A,B) > > camp=data.frame(group=rep(c(1,2),c(n,m)),y) > > dif.median=function(data,i) { > > d=data[i,] > > n1=n+1 > > m1=n+m > > median(d$y[1:n])-median(d$y[n1:m1]) } > > dif.boot=boot(camp,dif.median,R=10000, strata=camp$group) > > boot.ci(dif.boot, conf =0.95, type="bca") > > results: inf = 59, sup = 574. > > > > 2) Second procedure (package pairwiseCI): > > library(pairwiseCI) > > MedDiff=Median.diff(A, B, conf.level=0.95, alternative="two.sided",R=10000) > > MedDiff$conf.int > > MedDiff$estimate > > results: inf = 56, sup = 574, median=320 > > > > 3) Third procedure (stratified bootstrap): > > dif<- numeric(10000) > > for(i in seq_len(10000)) > > dif[i]<- median(sample(A, replace=TRUE)) - median(sample(B, replace=TRUE)) > > quantile(dif,prob=c(0.5,(1-0.95)/2,(1-(1-0.95)/2))) > > results: inf = 56, sup = 574, median = 313. > > > > 4) Fourth procedure (package simpleboot) > > library(simpleboot) > > boot_diff<- two.boot(A, B, median, R = 10000) > > boot.ci(boot_diff,conf=0.95,type="bca") > > results: inf = 59, sup = 574. > > > > The bootstrap procedures do get the same results, but the confidence intervals are > > significantly different from those obtained using the method that refers to the Wilcoxon > > distribution. > Problem: does this difference depend on really "different" methods > > or on incorrect implementation of the bootstrap technique? > > > > I will greatly appreciate any clarification you could provide. > > Best regards. > > Vittorio Colagrande > > [[alternative HTML version deleted]] >
John Sorkin
2012-Feb-18 13:36 UTC
[R] Matrix algebra in R to compute coefficients of a linear regression.
I am trying to use matrix algebra to get the beta coefficients from a simple bivariate linear regression, y=f(x). The coefficients should be computable using the following matrix algebra: t(X)Y / t(x)X I have pasted the code I wrote below. I clearly odes not work both because it returns a matrix rather than a vector containing two elements the beta for the intercept and the beta for x, and because the values produced by the matrix algebra are not the same as those returned by the linear regression. Can someone tell we where I have gone wrong, either in my use of matrix algebra in R, or perhaps at a more fundamental theoretical level? Thanks, John # Define intercept, x and y. int <- rep(1,100) x <- 1:100 y <- 2*x + rnorm(100) # Create a matrix to hold values. data <- matrix(nrow=100,ncol=3) dimnames(data) <- list(NULL,c("int","x","y")) data[,"int"] <- int data[,"x"] <- x data[,"y"] <- y data # Compute numerator. num <- cov(data) num # Compute denominator denom <- solve(t(data) %*% data) denom # Compute betas, [t(X)Y]/[t(X)Y] betaRon <- num %*% denom betaRon # Get betas from regression so we can check # values obtaned by matrix algebra. fit0 <- lm(y~x) John David Sorkin M.D., Ph.D. Chief, Biostatistics and Informatics University of Maryland School of Medicine Division of Gerontology Baltimore VA Medical Center 10 North Greene Street GRECC (BT/18/GR) Baltimore, MD 21201-1524 (Phone) 410-605-7119 (Fax) 410-605-7913 (Please call phone number above prior to faxing) Confidentiality Statement: This email message, including any attachments, is for th...{{dropped:6}}