first of all: hello forum members :D i am new here. hope to get help about my direct3d problem. i tried deus ex with wine and with some regedit stuff and some deus-ex config file modification i finally had direct3d and was able to play. but now i try aliens vs predator ( 1 ) and have same problems, i only have directDraw HAL, when i play in crap resolution 640x480 it works, when i go to higher resolutions game "lags" somehow. when i move the mouse nothing happens, then after 4-5 seconds the mouse move is done. problem was in deus ex the same. and also: Avp1 runs WAY too fast. is there a way to get direct3d working in Avp? i think the mouse-lags and gamespeed problems might disappear
On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 2:06 PM, b_m_l <wineforum-user at> wrote:> bumpI assume everyone ignored your post because you provided no information at all.. How about providing some information so that some information about your system OS version, hw info, video card, video driver, wine version along with terminal output If the terminal output is large post it on and link here. John
> How about providing some information so that some information about your system >Hmm. That is not what I meant to say. Replace that with "How about posting the following information about your system: "
im running arch linux 64 bit, i have newest wine from repositories and followed 100 instructions for installing directx and edit registry and games work now. computer is dualcore 4gig ram nvidia gpu (i think these informations are not that necesseary). games are running. but cant choose direct3d in settings, only directdraw HAL (in deus ex it worked with a special dll file from winehq db). pastebin of game output
> im running arch linux 64 bit, i have newest wine from repositories and followed 100 instructions for installing directx and edit registry and games work now. computer is dualcore 4gig ram nvidia gpu (i think these informations are not that necesseary). >This is very important. Have you installed the nVidia binary drivers. The open source nv driver that some distributions install as default will not work well with wine. John
John Drescher wrote:> > > im running arch linux 64 bit, i have newest wine from repositories and followed 100 instructions for installing directx and edit registry and games work now. computer is dualcore 4gig ram nvidia gpu (i think these informations are not that necesseary). > > > > > > This is very important. Have you installed the nVidia binary drivers. > The open source nv driver that some distributions install as default > will not work well with wine. > > Johnyes i have the binary drivers. i also got deus ex running with modified dll so i know its working, atm the only problem is this huge lag, i move the mouse nothing happens (4-5 seconds) then suddenly the move appears (same with keyboard). with special dll in deus ex i had direct3d option in graphic settings and this solved the problem, but there is no such fix for avp and other games
> yes i have the binary drivers. i also got deus ex running with modified dll so i know its working, atm the only problem is this huge lag, i move the mouse nothing happens (4-5 seconds) then suddenly the move appears (same with keyboard). with special dll in deus ex i had direct3d option in graphic settings and this solved the problem, but there is no such fix for avp and other games >The following error could be your problem: fixme:d3d_surface:surface_cpu_blt Filter WINED3D_TEXF_LINEAR not supported in software blit. however I can not help with that other than say try using wine 1.4 rc3. -- John M. Drescher
yes strange error, tried to google it, no success :(
b_m_l wrote:> deus ex 1, i only have the direct3d render option with this dxglr18 from winehq description. did not change anything in prefix, tried wine and wine64, but avp1 gold still has input lags like hellok i found out something VERY strange, when i use compiz wm it works with resolutions up to 1024x768, with kwin or metacity i have this strange input lags....