tsippel wrote on 01/25/2012 01:23:05 PM:
> Simple question (I hope?). How does one extract the data from a trellis
> object? I need to get the data from a call to histogram().
> A simple example below...
> dat<-data.frame(year=as.factor(round(runif(500, 1990, 2010))),
x=rnorm(500,> 75, 35),
> y=rep(seq(1,50,by=1), times=10))
> histogram(data=dat, y~x | year, type='count')
> How do I get the actual numbers plotted in the histograms from this call
to> histogram()?
> Thanks,
> Tim
hist.stuff <- histogram(data=dat, y~x | year, type='count')
lapply(hist.stuff, print)
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