Hi! I'm new with R and I'm trying to do some plots but I have a problem with the legend of this graphic because I want to fill the color's points in the legend and I don't find any form to do it.I will really appreciate your help. This is the code for legend's plot: >legend(10,90,legend=c("TR=100 a?os","TR=50 a?os","TR=25 a?os","TR=10 a?os"),lwd=2,pt.cex=1.5,bty='n',pch=c(24,22,21,23)) And this is the plot: freeimagehosting.net/x94f8 -- View this message in context: r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Filling-color-s-points-in-legend-s-plot-in-R-tp4308966p4308966.html Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hello Tsidkenu, Not sure that I have well understood your question but maybe you can add "fill" to your legend function : legend(10,90,legend=c("TR=100 a?os","TR=50 a?os","TR=25 a?os","TR=10 a?os"),lwd=2,pt.cex=1.5,bty='n',pch=c(24,22,21,23), fill=c("red","green","blue","black")) Have a good day, Ptit Bleu. -- View this message in context: r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Filling-color-s-points-in-legend-s-plot-in-R-tp4308966p4309355.html Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.