Hi, I am attempting to correct my models p-values due to temporal autocorrelations. It is not possible to model the correlation, so I have to make do with the p-value correction. I am feeling a bit thick here....I cannot get the autocorrelation values. What is the argument? My aim is to multiply the dependent variable autocorrelation with the independent variable autocorrelation and then multiply by (N-j)/N where N is the sample size and j is the lag...calculate z-value...adjust my p-value...Sincerely Anna Zakrisson Braeunlich PhD Student Department of Systems Ecology Stockholm University Svante Arrheniusv. 21A SE-106 91 Stockholm E-mail: anna@ecology.su.se Tel work: +46 (0)8 161103 Mobile: +46-(0)700-525015 Web site: http://www.ecology.su.se/staff/personal.asp?id=163><((((º>`•. . • `•. .• `•. . ><((((º>`•. . • `•. .•`•. .><((((º> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Hi Anna, I think you use acf() function to calculate the variable autocorrelation. I'd do: ac <- acf(y, lag.max = 100)$acf Here, you use $acf, then you can extract the values only. Best regards, M?rcio Diniz PhD Student IME - Mathematical and Statistics Institute USP - University - S?o Paulo -- View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Autocorrelation-values-How-to-extract-tp4278381p4278592.html Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.