Hi, I have noticed that the Windows 7 machines that I have recently installed and joined to our domain take about 40 seconds on average to go from sign in to the desktop displaying. I can't find any explanation for the delay. When the machine are in a work group they login very quickly and the XP machines login at a normal rate. I have searched and not found any articles that are relevant. Does anyone else experience this? Does anyone have any tips on how to work out what Windows 7 is doing during this time? Thanks in advance, Dermot
Hi Dermot, Here's a snip from a post I made sometime back. Perhaps it will help. Marc -------------------------------------- Samba 3.4.3 (ldap backend) Windows 7 Enterprise I've experienced the identical symptoms with Windows 7 ENT and found this workaround. When the following local GPO is left in its default setting Samba domain logons are delayed for 30 seconds: "Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\User Profiles\Set maximum wait time for the network if the user has a roaming user profile or remote home directory." Enable this and set the value to 0 to work around this timeout. The timeout does not occur when logging into an Active Directory PDC running Server 2008 R2. I have not tested this with w2k8 R2 client. In addition, if the user's desktop is set to a solid background color logons of any kind (local, AD, samba) will be delayed by 30 seconds. Set the background to any .jpg image or apply Microsoft's hotfix to work around this issue. This is a cumulative timeout; that is, if the above timeout is in affect and the solid background color timeout is also in affect the delay is 60 seconds. I also experienced a 30 second timeout when I set the local GPO to "Run logon scripts synchronously". This problem has inexplicably vanished and I can't replicate it though I don't see it listed in any Windows 7 updates. Might have been happening to me with Windows 7 PRO. I'll check that if anyone is interested. The fix was to apply an old Vista reg setting. Can be Googled as "Vista Run logon scripts synchronously". On Nov 15, 2011, at 3:10 AM, Dermot wrote:> Hi, > > I have noticed that the Windows 7 machines that I have recently > installed and joined to our domain take about 40 seconds on average to > go from sign in to the desktop displaying. I can't find any > explanation for the delay. When the machine are in a work group they > login very quickly and the XP machines login at a normal rate. I have > searched and not found any articles that are relevant. Does anyone > else experience this? Does anyone have any tips on how to work out > what Windows 7 is doing during this time? > > Thanks in advance, > Dermot > -- > To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the > instructions: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba
On 11/15/2011 5:10 AM, Dermot wrote:> Hi, > > I have noticed that the Windows 7 machines that I have recently > installed and joined to our domain take about 40 seconds on average to > go from sign in to the desktop displaying. I can't find any > explanation for the delay. When the machine are in a work group they > login very quickly and the XP machines login at a normal rate. I have > searched and not found any articles that are relevant. Does anyone > else experience this? Does anyone have any tips on how to work out > what Windows 7 is doing during this time? > > Thanks in advance, > DermotDermot, See if Marc Cain's solution in the link below can help you. It worked for me. http://lists.samba.org/archive/samba/2010-February/153585.html Dale
2011/11/15 Vladimir Vladimirov <mckeency at gmail.com>:> gpedit.msc > ????????????? ?????????? -> ???????????????? ??????? -> ??????? -> ??????? > ????????????? -> ?????????? ???????????? ????? ???????? ????, ???? > ???????????? ????? ???????????? ??????? ??? ????????? ???????? ??????? > ??? > "Computer Configuration \ Administrative Templates \ System \ User Profiles > \ Set maximum wait time for the network if the user has a roaming user > profile or remote home directory" > 19.3. ???????? ???????? ? ???????? ???????? ?? "0 ??????" > > ???? ???, ??? ?? ??????? ?????????? ?? 4 ??????? >Sorry for the delay in replying. This does seem to work. I've tried it on two machines and they are logging in much, much quicker. Thank you all. Dermot
2011/11/16 Allen Chen <achen at harbourfrontcentre.com>:> Dermot wrote: > > > try to set this one to 0: \\Computer Configuration\Administrative > Templates\All setings\Set > maximum wait time for the network if a user has a roaming user profileIt seems to have worked and the users have local profiles. Dp.