Hi all, I have a debian linux lenny 5.0 server with samba (version 3.2.5-4lenny14) on it. I want to create a cifs share which uses Active Directory authentication. In all howto's i read that i need kerberos5 to do this, so I installed krb5-user, krb5-config and libkrb53. I edited /etc/krb5.conf to my domain etc. Everything works like it should. BUT i noticed a file in /var/run/samba/smb_krb5 (krb5.conf.TESTDOMAIN) that seems to be generated by winbind. The config file differs from my /etc/krb5.conf So i purged the kerberos 5 packages (apt-get purge krb5-user krb5-config libkrb53) and cleaned all samba related stuff in /var/cache/samba, /var/lib/samba, /var/run/samba to have a totally clean start. After starting samba and winbind my connection to ADS was not there, so I did a "net ads join -U Administrator" and re-joined the ADS. Then I had to restart winbind again, et voila the /var/run/samba/smb_krb5/krb5.conf.TESTDOMAIN was generated again and everything was working like it should (without kerberos packages) My question is, are the kerberos packages obsolete or do I still need them for other things? Met vriendelijke groet, Caspar Smit Systemengineer True Bit Resources B.V. Amp?restraat 13E 1446 TP Purmerend T: +31(0)299 410 475 F: +31(0)299 410 476 @: c.smit at truebit.nl W: www.truebit.nl