I have a fairly old Samba server, 3.0.25, on CentOS 4.8. I'd like to update it to something more modern, so I grabbed the "Enterprise Samba" 3.5 RPMs for RHEL, and went to work on a test machine. After upgrading via "rpm -U ./*.rpm", starting nmbd and smbd, I can no longer log in to the domain, I get: netlogon_creds_server_check failed. Rejecting auth request from client FREESCALE machine account FREESCALE$ While /etc/samba/smbpasswd remains seemingly untouched from the upgrade, I have to delete and recreate each account before it will let me log in to the domain. Since there are about a hundred workstations (and more accounts), I'd like to make this a more seamless transition... any tips for a newb?
On 05/24/2010 04:46 PM, Steve Wolfe wrote:> I have a fairly old Samba server, 3.0.25, on CentOS 4.8. I'd like to update > it to something more modern, so I grabbed the "Enterprise Samba" 3.5 RPMs > for RHEL, and went to work on a test machine. > > After upgrading via "rpm -U ./*.rpm", starting nmbd and smbd, I can no > longer log in to the domain, I get: > > netlogon_creds_server_check failed. Rejecting auth request from client > FREESCALE machine account FREESCALE$ > > While /etc/samba/smbpasswd remains seemingly untouched from the upgrade, I > have to delete and recreate each account before it will let me log in to the > domain. > > Since there are about a hundred workstations (and more accounts), I'd like > to make this a more seamless transition... any tips for a newb? >I am guessing that smbpasswd is not in the TDB format supported by Samba 3.5. I think the older format got dropped along the way. Are the user accounts OK? You could prob use "pdbedit -w" (from the old version) to dump the accounts to a text file. And then maybe write a script (perl has a nice split command) to parse the file into a list of machine names. And then run something like for i in `cat thelist.txt` do smbpasswd -x $i smbpaswd -m -a $i done The other option may be to use pdbedit to dump the passwd to a text or TDB file, backup /etc/smbpasswd and then use pdbedit (to reimport the accounts.
On 05/24/2010 3:46 PM, Steve Wolfe wrote:> I have a fairly old Samba server, 3.0.25, on CentOS 4.8. I'd like to update > it to something more modern, so I grabbed the "Enterprise Samba" 3.5 RPMs > for RHEL, and went to work on a test machine. > > After upgrading via "rpm -U ./*.rpm", starting nmbd and smbd, I can no > longer log in to the domain, I get: > > netlogon_creds_server_check failed. Rejecting auth request from client > FREESCALE machine account FREESCALE$ > > While /etc/samba/smbpasswd remains seemingly untouched from the upgrade, I > have to delete and recreate each account before it will let me log in to the > domain. >If you were using smbpasswd as the passdb backend, note that the default changed to tdbsam in version 3.4.0. http://www.samba.org/samba/history/samba-3.4.0.html To continue to use smbpasswd, you would have to declare it in smb.conf. passdb backend = smbpasswd.> Since there are about a hundred workstations (and more accounts), I'd like > to make this a more seamless transition... any tips for a newb? >You could also export your existing smbpasswd to tdbsam. http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/passdb.html#pdbeditthing Account Import/Export The |pdbedit| tool allows import/export of authentication (account) databases from one backend to another. For example, to import/export accounts from an old |smbpasswd| database to a /|tdbsam|/ backend: 1. |root# |*|pdbedit -i smbpasswd -e tdbsam|* 2. Replace the /|smbpasswd|/ with /|tdbsam|/ in the /|passdb backend|/ configuration in |smb.conf|. Dale
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