Hello, When I use a Windows client to connect to a NT style domain run on a number of Samba servers, and then connect to a share on a domain server, is the domain server authenticated to the client in any form? That is, could an attacker replace the server with fake server that serves the same/similar files? My experimentation seems to indicate that domains do not help here, however as I am no expert in this, I would be interested to know what people here have to say. This started from a discussion in the wpkg-users forum: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=sa47iqjgls9.fsf%40margay.local&forum_name=wpkg-users (warning: some of these people appear to have anti-Samba attitudes...) Thanks. -- Brian May <bam@snoopy.apana.org.au>