Hello everyone. I am having a problem with my printer drivers getting loaded by users. I setup as domain admin user and am the only one who can add a printer and have it auto load the drivers. i have everything setup the way multiple website say to set it up. I have a user of the Domain Users group who has *SePrintOperatorPrivilege* for their user name. When they double click the printer to connect/ install it, I get a message that the drivers cannot be found. looking in the logs I see a permissions error but I cannot for the life of me see why I get that. I am setup as a PDC. [printers] comment = SMB Print Spool path = /var/spool/samba guest ok = Yes printable = Yes use client driver = no default devmode = Yes browseable = no public = yes writable = no [print$] comment = Printer Drivers path = /share/scripts/cups/drivers browseable = yes #Valid users = @Domain Users, @Domain Admins guest ok = yes read only = yes write list = karl, @Domain Admins Any ideas on what to do? Thanks.