Samba friends, I have a computer running SUSE Linux 10.1. At work all the computers on the network, except this one, are running either Windows 2000 Pro or Windows 2000 Server. The computers are physically connected through a router. I am an administrator on all the Windows computers and have no problem whatsoever mounting administrative shares such as C$ using smbmnt. Using the same Linux computer at home, I try to access a computer running Windows XP Pro, on which I'm also an administrator. I have turned off simple file sharing on the Windows XP computer. The computers are also connected through a router. I can't access using smbclient, and I can't mount using smbmnt. The Windows XP computer has the name of APPLE, and when I try smbclient -L APPLE or smbclient -L apple I get a message connection to apple failed. Any suggestions? Norm Clerman