Wait, stop!
While all of the following information is correct, I am having problems
with 3.0.23b. 3.0.23a works just fine. Before installing 3.0.23b, see the
thread "[Samba] 3.0.20 -> 3.0.23 SID/group error?? Won't
>From: "David Rankin" <drankin@cox-internet.com>
> Mates,
> Since nobody is building binaries for mandriva, I thought I would
share> a quick cheat sheet for those who want to compile from source to update
10.2> from 3.20 to 3.23. Here goes:
> 1. Download samba-3.0.23b.tar.gz to your local machine (a given...)
> 2. Unzip it: tar xzvf samba-3.0.23b.tar.gz
> 3. Change to the source directory: cd samba-3.0.23b/source/
> 4. Make sure you are root: su root (enter root password)
> 5. run: ./autogen.sh
> see
> 6. Now you need to configure the makefile. This is simple, the only
pain> in the butt is making sure you have the right configure parameters for
> Mandriva to keep the various pieces of samba from being scattered all over
> your disto. (i.e. smb.conf in /usr/lib ???)
> simply run:
./configure --prefix=/usr --infodir=/usr/share --mandir=/usr/share
--with-co> nfigdir=/etc/samba
> and the pieces will get placed in the right places.
> 7. run: make
> 8. run: make install
> (this completes the install)
> 9. now restart samba: /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart
> 10. You should be up and running with the new samba release! If samba
fails> to start and you are in a panic, simply issue:
> make revert
> and then
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart
> and your old version of samba will be restored! (it really works)
> That's it, hope it helps some other poor Mandrival user. If I
missed a
> step, it is only because it is late.....
David C. Rankin, J.D., P.E.
Rankin Law Firm, PLLC
510 Ochiltree Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75961
(936) 715-9333
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